MEET OUR Family and why we do a birthday fundraiser

When we became parents, one of the main things we wanted to teach our children is that you are never too young to make a difference in the world. Our hope is that we are raising kind humans. For Miles’s 5th birthday he asked to do a fundraiser to help donate money to save endangered animals. He had something on his heart and wanted to figure out a way to help. That year he sold drawings of animals to family and friends and the annual birthday fundraiser was born!

Since then his younger brother, Ryder, has joined him! This is our 7th year to do a birthday fundraiser and in the past 6 years our boys have raised over $22,000 for different causes. After last year’s project to make the boys’ elementary school playground more inclusive, we wanted to come up with another new idea for this year. In honor of one our best friends, Khloe, who was in foster care. When Khloe was born she was picked up from the hospital with only a trash bag and a dirty blanket to her name. In her honor we want to raise funds to fill and donate duffle bags to children in foster care! We hope each bag allows each child to feel seen and loved with more than just a trash bag to store to possessions. They deserve to feel like they have a place of belonging in this world!

*Bags will be donated to BCS Together!

-The Platt Family