From left to right: Christopher, Catherine, Miles, Emery, Anniston, Ryder, Jethro, and Violet

Launching our 2025 fundraiser on Feb. 1, 2025!

This Year we are donating to Lucky Fin Project!

When Miles was born, we didn’t know about his limb difference beforehand. There are books about what to expect when you are expecting, but there were no guide books to walk us through what to expect when your baby is born with something unexpected. The emotions of that first day are still so vivid. At just a few weeks old, Miles because a patient at Scottish Rite Hospital. One of the things they mentioned to us, as nervous new parents, was to find our people, our community. We were recommended Lucky Fin Project. It is an organization that was started by a mom, Molly, after her daughter Ryan was born with a limb difference. Through this community we have found our people. It has been by far the most beautiful and encouraging place while we are on our parenthood journey. They not only have offered us encouragement over the years, but they have given Miles a place that he belongs. His limb difference is something that has set him apart in many situations, but with Lucky Fin, it is the reason be belongs! Raising a child with any disability can be scary, emotional and lonely, but because of Lucky Fin Project, it has offered us a family that understands us in a way many can’t.

One of our goals is to try to cover the registration costs of the kids/ adults that would like to attend this year’s Lucky Fin Project Retreat! This last year, Miles was honored to be a special guest at their retreat and it was truly one of the best weekends of our lives being surrounded by so many wonderful and new Lucky Fin friends! We also hope to help Molly be able to continue to grow this ground and how it advocates for the limb different population!

Thank you for helping us reach our goals!

-The Platt family